Friday, August 25, 2017

Professional Inquiry 2017

Professional inquiry:   Reading

Opening statement / Reason for inquiry / Aim :
What are the most essential pre-reading skills to ensure accelerated reading for children with dyslexia.
Professional inquiry
Helen Timperley’s inquiry cycle
Gather evidence
What are the 'little jumps' children with dyslexic tendencies need to make accelerated progress ?
(professional readings)
Scanning / observations
Its free to join and quite 
eye-opening !
Action plan

Innovate (come up with new ideas)
Implement (try new ideas)
Class Dojo (Syndicate Trial)
Magnetic Letters - sequencing words
Smaller Modelling Book for guided reading.
Illustrating words
Weekly and Term Reflections
Term 1 ; Term 2 ; Term 3
Checking (what was the outcome)
Model to a colleague  

Publish on your professional blog

Respond to feedback  

Feedforward on other inquiries